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If you don't have a web login account yet, please register for a new one. This will allow you to login and create dynamic DNS hostnames under the .dhis.org domain.

Your new account will be created automatically and you will receive an email with your initial password for logging-in. Please note however that this account will be locked and that you will also be required to make a one-time donation to the project of at least $5.00 USD using paypal before your account is accepted and activated. Donations are manually verified so please allow 1-2 days for your registration to be processed.

Contact Name:
Email Address:
Post Code:
Phone Number:
Your Country:
I agree with the General Terms of Service

Please also note: Our policy for free dynamic DNS hosts requires that you must at least identify yourself with your real name and a valid email address. We are very strict about this and will lock any accounts that we find with fake names. Please try to be honest; we will not distribute your name or email address to anyone, but we do like to know that there is someone real on the other side and not a virtual troll.